


Our company offers welding services in order to perform WELDED ASSEMBLIES and WELDING REPAIRS for parts, assemblies and subassemblies, both in our own workshop and on site (at the beneficiary), including in areas where electricity is not available.
Welding operations are performed according to the project or welding process specification (WPS) drawn up by the beneficiary’s or our RTS (Responsible Technical Specialist).

Depending on the technical requirements, welding operations can be performed by the following electrical processes:

  • Coated electrode (SMAW Shielded Metal Arc Welding / MMA Manual Metal Arc) – The machines are capable of welding with all types of electrodes, including basic, stainless steel and cellulosic (high penetration, for end-to-end root), etc.
  • In argon (protective gas environment) (GTAW Gas Tungsten Arc Welding / TIG Tungsten Inert Gas / WIG Wolfram Inert Gas) – The machines are capable of both direct current (DC) welding of ferrous metals – steel, stainless steel and alternating current (AC) welding of aluminum and its alloys.
  • With wire, in protective gas environment (GMAW Gas Metal Arc Welding/ MIG Metal Inert Gas / MAG Metal Active Gas) – The machines are synergistic and capable of welding both steels and stainless steel alloys as well as aluminum




Examples of works, parts, assemblies and subassemblies that may be subject to welding services:

  • Manufacturing and repairs to boilers and cyclones
  • Manufacturing and repairs to industrial equipment
  • Manufacturing and repairs to buildings and high installations, antennas and relays
  • Manufacturing and repairs to metal constructions and bridges
  • Manufacturing and repairs to installation and piping systems – district heating, sewage, extinguishing, etc.
  • Welded assemblies of pipes and ducts
  • Any other parts and markers, depending on the beneficiary’s needs



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